Selection of works from the past. Zigzagging between cartoonish grotesques to photorealistic obsessive methods, plus a peek into my printmaking roots. Nonlinear time ahead. Watch the patterns emerge from far away.
Who Were You, Who You Were, archival CMYK ink hand stamped on paper, 30 x 31.5 inches. SOLD
A Pause, 2017, ink on paper, 12 x 16 inches. SOLD
Double Exposure, 2016, archival ink stamped on paper, 16 x 20 inches. SOLD
Bad Listeners III, 2017, ink and petroleum resist on paper, 20 x 24 inches. SOLD
Caged Pair/Tengo Manos Grandes, 2009. copperplate etching. artist proof. 5 x 7.5 inches.
Starfishing, 2017, colored pencil and ink on paper, 11 x 14 inches. SOLD
Cyanotype Portrait from Hair 1, 2019. cotton sateen, 8.5 x 11 inches.
Trouble By Hearing, 2009. graphite on paper. 8 x 10 inches.
Nested, 2017, ink on paper, 12 x 16 inches. SOLD
Michael, 2015, typewritten ink on paper, 10.25 x 15 inches.
Cliffside, 2018, pink gel pen and graphite putty on cotton paper, 7.5 x 8.75 inches. SOLD
Tri-Butt, 2016. ink and watercolor on paper. 8 x 10 inches. SOLD
Shame Blanket, 2017, ink on paper, 12 x 16 inches. SOLD
Untitled, charcoal and oil pastel on paper, 5 x 12 inches,
Cocooned, 2017, ink on paper, 11 x 14 inches.
Smothered, 2017, ink on paper, 12 x 16 inches. SOLD
Twist, 2017, ink on paper, 12 x 16 inches. SOLD
Potato Bug Lady, 2007. etching. 5 x 8 inches.
Stung, 2017, ink on paper, 9 x 12 inches. SOLD
Self Portrait I, 2015, typewritten ink on paper, 7.25 x 12 inches.
Guide, 2017, ink on paper, 9 x 12 inches. SOLD
Kara, 2016, archival CMYK ink hand stamped on paper, 14.5 x 16 inches.
Un-See, 2017, ink on paper, 12 x 16 inches.
Precarious Twins, 2006. Etching and monoprint with cut steel pate on tan paper. 22 x 30 inches.
Delicately Into The Storm, 2018, pink gel pen and graphite putty on cotton paper, 7 x 10 inches. SOLD
You Think They Can't See, 2017, ink on paper, 22 x 30 inches.
Kiddo, 2017, ink and graphite on paper, 11 x 14 inches.
Captive/Captivated, 2017, ink on paper, 11 x 14 inches. SOLD
Suspicions, 2017, ink on paper, 8 x 10 inches. SOLD
Suction Butt, 2017, ink and watercolor on paper. 10 x 10 inches. SOLD
Flowering, 2018. gel pen and graphite putty on cotton paper. 7 x 10 inches. SOLD
Cyanotype Portrait from Hair 2, 2019. cotton sateen, 8.5 x 11 inches.
Self Portrait IV, 2016, hand drawn triangles in permanent marker on paper, 30 x 38.5 inches.
River Monsters, gouache on paper, 8 x 8 inches. SOLD
Cyanotype Portrait from Hair 4, 2019. cotton sateen, 8.5 x 11 inches. SOLD
Conjurer, 2017, ink on paper, 12 x 16 inches.
Perplexed, 2019, permanent marker and alcohol on polaroid, 3.5 x 4.25 inches.
Moon, 2019, water soluble graphite on handmade paper, 8.5 x 11 inches. SOLD
Lawrence, 2015. typewritten ink on paper. 7 x 10 inches. SOLD
vaporating Body #1, 2018, pink gel pen and graphite on cotton paper, 7.25 x 10 inches. SOLD
Missing Parts, Nervous Hands, 2016, hand drawn triangles in permanent marker on paper, 30 x 35.5 inches.
Feigned or Foe, 2019, permanent marker and alcohol on polaroid, 3.5 x 4.25 inches.
Evaporating Body #1, 2018, pink gel pen and graphite on cotton paper, 7.25 x 10 inches. SOLD
Dominic, 2015, typewritten ink on paper, 7 x 10 inches. SOLD
Your Shadow's Shadow, 2014, permanent marker and rubbing alcohol on paper, 15 x 22 inches.
Forming Vessel #1, 2018, pink gel pen and graphite on cotton paper. SOLD
Cyanotype Portrait from Hair 3, 2019. cotton sateen, 8.5 x 11 inches.
Horror Flower, 2019. Water-soluble graphite on handmade cream paper. 8 x 10 inches.
Peripheral Portrait, 2008. etching and aquatint. 8 x 10 inches.
Jamond, 2015, typewritten ink on paper, 10.25 X 14 inches. SOLD
Outline, 2016, typewritten ink on paper, 8 x 10 inches. SOLD
So Many Times, 2016, archival ink stamped on paper with hand-carved stamps, 29.5 x 36.5 inches. SOLD
Sluggish Yearning, 2019, permanent marker and alcohol on polaroid, 3.5 x 4.25 inches.
Self-portrait from April 4 (2 of 4), 2019. Acrylic paint, regular and white graphite wash on tan paper, 15 x 21 inches.
Ready, 2019. 8 x 10 inches, water soluble graphite on paper.
Patsy, 2015. typewritten ink on paper. 6 x 11 inches SOLD
Top-Heavy, 2015, typewritten ink on paper, collaged, 11 x 14 inches. SOLD
Before Departure, 2010, graphite and charcoal on paper. DIMENSIONS
The Wrong Goggles, 2019, permanent marker and alcohol on polaroid, 3.5 x 4.25 inches. SOLD
Exoskeleton, 2014. 6 x 8 feet. typewritten ink on 154 five inch squares of paper.
Trusting, 2019, permanent marker and alcohol on polaroid, 3.5 x 4.25 inches.
Self-portrait from April 4 (3 of 4), 2019. Acrylic paint, regular and white graphite wash on tan paper, 15 x 19.5 inches.
Self-portrait from April 4, (4 of 4), 2019. Acrylic paint, regular and white graphite wash and diluted sharpie on paper, 15 x 21 inches.
Soft Light Self Portrait, water soluble graphite on handmade paper, 8.5 x 11 inches.
Avery As A Rectangle, 2016, typewritten ink on paper, 8 x 10 inches. SOLD
Stone Operation Self-Portrait, 2011. charcoal on paper. 32 x 36.5 inches. SOLD
Collection, 2016, red and purple typewritten ink on paper, 7.5 x 10 inches. SOLD
Self Portrait II, 2015, typewritten ink on paper, 7 x 10 inches SOLD
Bear Costume, 2007. etching and aquatint. 5.5 x 7.5 inches. SOLD
Give Up The Queen And Nobody Gets Hurt, 2014, typewritten ink on paper (74 5-inch squares), 45 x 55 inches. SOLD
Darts, Heels, Pantyhose, 2016, archival CMYK ink hand stamped on paper, 30 x 36.5 inches. SOLD
Kierre, 2015, typewritten ink on paper, 18.25 x 13.5 inches. SOLD
Carissa, 2015, typewritten ink on paper, 10.25 x 13.25 inches.
Thom, 2015, typewritten ink on paper, 12 x 17 inches. SOLD
Duo, 2016, CMYK sharpie on paper, 30 x 30 inches. NFS
Erica, 2015, typewritten ink on paper, 8 x 10 inches. SOLD
Dominic In Blue , 2015, typewritten ink on paper, 8 x 10 inches. SOLD
I Have Never Been Inside of my Neighbor's House, 2008. Etching. 11 x 17 inches. SOLD OUT
Carrot Dream, 2016. marker and pen on paper. 8 x 10 inches. SOLD
Pushover, Reason and Tantrum, 2009. powdered graphite on paper. 50 x 55 inches, destroyed.
Automatic, 2014. permanent marker and rubbing alchohol on paper. 21 x 33 inches.SOLD
Bust, 2011. oil pastel and charcoal on paper. 18 x 22 inches. SOLD
Heavy Handed, 2011. oil pastel and charcoal on paper, torn. 12 x 15 inches.
Dream of a Dog Skeleton, 2006. three color woodcut and collograph text. 4 x 11 inches.
Baby, Baby, 2008. steel plate etching and aquatint, artist proof. 7.5 x 9 inches.
Bad Listeners 2, 2008. steel plate etching and aquatint. 11 x 15 inches.
Bad Listeners, 2008. steel plate etching and aquatint. 11 x 14 inches.
Double Exposure, 2016. 25 x 40 inches. SOLD
Being Directly Indirect, 2006. copper plate etching and acquatint. 11 x 15 inches.
Escapees, 2009. graphite on paper. 6 x 9 inches.
Carrier, 2009. graphite and charcoal on paper. 8 x 10 inches.
Cathartes Aura, 2007. etching. artist proof. 8 x 11 inches.
Untitled, 2008. graphite on paper. 6 x 9 inches.
Golden Purifier, 2006. copperplate etching. artist proof. 7 x 11 inches.
Headdress Study, 2008. etching and aquatint. 8 x 10 inches.
Headdress, 2006. Etching and aquatint
Helmet Sketch, 2008. pen on paper. unknown dimensions.
Mine, 2007. Sketchbook page. 10 x 13 inches.
Nuthin', 2006. etching and aquatint. 11 x 15 inches.
Peripheral Portrait, 2008. etching and aquatint. artist proof. 11 x 15 inches.
That Horse, 2009. graphite on paper. 8 x 10 inches. SOLD
Self Portrait, 2009. graphite on paper. 8 x 10 inches. SOLD
Self Portrait, 2009. graphite on paper. 8 x 10 inches.
Sleepers, 2006. etching and aquatint. 1 of 3. 11 x 15 inches.
Two Voyeurs, 2008. etching and aquatint. artist proof. 11 x 15 inches.
Untitled, 2008 etching and aquating. artist proof. 11 x 15 inches.
Murder Shed with Goat, 2007. 11 x 14 inches. monotype.
What, 2009. graphite on paper. 7.5 x 10 inches.
Crying, 2016. hand stamped ink on paper. 11 x 15 inches.
Untitled, 2017. ink on paper. 8 x 10 inches.
Two Siegfrieds, 2009. graphite on paper. 8 x 10 inches.
Untitled, 2017. ink on paper. 11 x 14 inches.
Kyle, 2015. typewritten ink on paper. 7.5 x 10 inches. SOLD
Love, 2016. hand-stamped ink on paper. 12 x 16 inches. SOLD
Bear Costume, 2007. etching and aquatint. 7 x 11 inches. SOLD
Golden Purifier, 2006. etching. artist proof. 7 x 10 inches.